Serta Simmons Bedding: Simmons
Helping shoppers feel like they're
trying a Simmons mattress without
ever lying on one.
ECD: Nicole Lucey
ACDs: Sarah Ratinetz & Tim Glebocki
Account Director: Emily Stern
Executive Producer: Annie Bishop
Production Team: STATE & Justin Leibow
Animation: Chris Timmons

All The Feel-ZZZ
Simmons set out to launch their three mattress feels,
an anomaly in the budget, mattress-in-a-box category.
How could we make shoppers feel like they were lying
on a Simmons mattress without actually doing so?
By giving them All The Feel-ZZZ way before hitting add
to cart.
All The Feel-ZZZ GIF Library
We brought the sensorial feels experience to social
with a custom All The Feel-ZZZ GIF library that everyone
could use to describe their preferred mattress feel.

Organic & Paid Social
The GIFs even made their way into our organic
and paid social strategy.